Our Services

Tree Removal

Sometimes trees just have to go. When this is the case we have the ability to safely bring them down through various strategies like rigging with ropes and gear, cutting techniques, cranes, and precision tree felling.

Tree Preservation

When possible, we will advocate for preserving trees on your property, especially when they are old or particularly unique. We offer services like cabling and bracing trees to support limbs or defects.

Tree Pruning

Tree pruning can be done to address things like structural issues, house clearance, heavy limbs, and aesthetic goals for your trees. Managing these can improve the safety, appearance, and longevity of trees on your property.

Timber Falling

Have land you plan to log or need hand fallers? We have extensive experience working on logging operations as timber fallers. We have worked with some of the greatest in the industry and understand how to precision fall trees to save out timber.

Defensible Space

Living in California means living with the threat of wildfires. Luckily there area measures you can take to improve your defense against them and protect your home and community. We are able to evaluate your property’s fire risk and suggest recommendations to create defensible space, as well as perform this work according to insurance standards.

Hazard Tree Mitigation

Hazard trees are those that are lacking structural integrity or display extreme safety risk. We see these trees particularly after wildfires, however trees can also become hazardous due to things like decay, uprooting, or hanging up in other trees. We have years of experience safely removing some of the most dangerous trees in the world due to our time working on wildfires as hazard tree fallers.

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